Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Shoes for thought

Niagra Falls gives you some awesome water shoes!
Beta had an accident.
Not just for feet, but for cards as well!


Fernanda said...

Hows u?
My name's fernanda,i'm 17 and I'm from Brazil..
i was visiting some blogs and then i found your!... i liked too musc the pics, the posts!! :)
but.. forget my english.. i'm not so good on it!! hahaha
in your free time, stop by my blog and send me a comment too!!
have a nice week!

Janell R. Cropper said...

Go Miranda!

Anonymous said...

Is that Miranda's shoe? Should be able to fit a coupla decks of cards in that sucker.

Love ya.

Miranda W. said...

Hey now!