Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Here he is, ladies and gentlemen. Just a few of my favorite pictures...

We are SO cute together!


Anonymous said...

Holy Hottness Batman! He may even be giving Toasty a run for his Glam Rock Hott title. Your ears look really cute together.

Anonymous said...

Well I must say that is the cutest couple in the world!!!!! Even the german waitress was impressed...;)

Janell R. Cropper said...

He is kind of's true

Miranda W. said...

Kind of? There's no kind of about it.

Anonymous said...

Those California boys... sometimes they should be illegal. :)


Toast Habit said...

I resent that, Leah. He's not even related! I want to know who wrote this about California boys, and if they are hott. By the way, I think there is a little rat creeping over your left shoulder in the last picture. That's kind of nast.

Toast Habit said...

By the way, what the heck are you doing out with a boy so late at night. 9:08?! I am calling your mother!

Christie said...

what the pepperbelly's? I've been there! Oh yeah back to the stuff miranda! Good luck with that and I hope it all works out for you. You seem happy which is awesome!

Miranda W. said...

In the spring. He got here this morning! I missed him SO MUCH!

Anonymous said...

Have you warned him what a big, ugly, mean, ornery man your father is? Grrrrr!

Miranda W. said...

Well, I warned him about the ugly part....

Janell R. Cropper said...

Miranda...that's exciting! Do tell more

Anonymous said...

And stubborn. I forgot stubborn.

Miranda W. said...

Is that where I get it from? He can stand stubborness. He can stand me.

Leah said...

We were just looking at these pictures and I told Liv that's the boy you are going to marry. She sighed, "Oh, sweet....I mean, yugh!"