Well, here goes the story.
Sunday, Aug 20th, my best friend Katie flew in from the east to meet me and begin our roadtrip. We decided to stay in Richfield a few days. She wanted to see where I grew up n'stuff. Around midnight that night, she got missing her ex-boyfriend who resides in California. When he found out she was so close, he said he was on his way. She got off the phone and told me he was coming. I was furious. I have nothing against him. Actually, I think he's funny guy, but the two aren't the best for each other, and I was tired of seeing my best friend hurt. I really love her.
Anyway, we kind of got in an arguement, and I went to bed frustrated. I didn't want him interfering with our road trip. I certainly didn't want to be a third wheel all day on my much needed vacation. Plus, with him around, I wouldn't get to show her all I wanted to.
9 AM rolls around, and he pulls up to my house. We were waiting on the lawn. I was still angry. I planned on being grumpy and a jerk all day. I didn't want him there, and I was going to show it. He jumps out, and gives Katie a hug. Then I see he has a friend. I kind of cute friend, but I don't care. I'm still grumpy. I held out my hand and said, "Hi, I'm Miranda." He ran up to me and gave me a big hug.
"Miranda, it's been so long." He kept on hugging me. I was a bit surprised. This kid's kinda funny. Then he laid on the lawn and said he's going to sleep.
We all went inside. According to Trevor, that's when he first looked at me. He said he was so out of it when he got out of the car, he didn't know what he was doing. He just wanted a hug. Then he saw how hot I am. I was still cold. I didn't care how good looking this kid was, I wanted Katie to myself and I meant it.
He challenged me to a game of pool. I won. I have amazing skills. We played fetch with my dog. We jumped on my neighbors trampoline. "Ok," I decided, "It's not his fault his friend dragged him along. I might as well be nice." Then we started playing instruments. We played the guitar and the piano and sang together and talked and laughed for hours. My mom's visiting teacher came over while he was playing the piano. They asked "Who's this?"
"I'm Miranda's fiance," he said, as he serenaded them. I laughed and agreed. They gave us their blessing.
Then we decided to go hiking in my lovely red hills. He didn't have any good hiking pants, so I let him wear a pair of my capris. I was jealous of how good he looked in them. Really jealous. I still am. I'm wearing those pants right now, and I'm still jealous.
We ditched Katie and Jase and took the four wheeler. He tried to kill me on that thing. I could tell he wanted me to hold him around the waist, but I wasn't gonna. There was a boy back home I liked and had been trying to get with for some time, and I wasn't about to mess that up. I held onto the bars, and got bad bruises from it. We hiked around and talked, and just sat. I was amazed at how comfortable I was with someone I had only just met. I'm not usually that comfortable with silence. But he made it okay.
We eventually came back down after about an hour, and gave the atv to the other two. They gave us the car. He thought I was gonna head back down, but I had other plans. I wanted to show him one of my favorite spots, so I started walking, and he followed. I pointed out Bull's Head and told him how everyone in town has hiked to it, but I had never been there. He said, "Let's go." So we did.
When we finally reached the top, he sat down on a rock, grabbed my hand, and swung me onto his lap. I was a bit surprised. I'm not that kind of girl. I don't just sit on guys' laps that I just met. I don't hold their hands either. But I think I'll make an exception. We talked and looked at the view and sat. Then we laid down and looked at the shapes in the clouds. We were up there for hours and hours. He kissed me on top of that rock. We had been joking all day about getting married. At one point up there, he said, "Miranda, are we really getting married?"
I said, "Yes." For I knew it to be true. It wasn't really a joke anymore. Not really. Then he started asking me about where I live, and what it's like. I told him all about it.
"It's no California, but it's not such a bad place to live." I found myself wanting him to come with me. Then I felt the spirit. I was surprised. I wasn't sure if it was, and I wasn't gonna say anything. Later, he asked me if I had felt the spirit up there. That's when I told him I had. This was bigger than I imagined.
After we got off the mountain, I pulled Katie aside. She was a little ticked that I had ditched her all day. I said, "Katie, he's my EC!" She thought I said he's amazing.
"I know."
"No, I don't think you do. He's my EC. My eternal companion! He's it!"
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah. I think so."
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah. I am."
"That's crazy."
"I know. I can't believe it." Meanwhile, he's telling Jase that he knew he was just along for the ride, he didn't know he was gonna fall in love. Jase tole Katie what he said, and Katie told Jase what I said, then Jase told Trevor what I said and Katie told me what Trevor said. Got that straight? Good.
That night, we went to Poverty Flats. The stars, as usual, were amazing. We started talking about us, and how right this feels. Then we officially decided we were dating. He started talking earlier about moving to New England. We discussed it more. It was right.
The next day, Katie drove with Jase, and Trevor came with me down to St. George, where we parted ways, and switched back. Trevor and I talked as we drove. We started talking about 9/11 and how we felt that day. Then I told him about Ground Zero and humbling it is there. I told him I'd take him there when he comes out. Just then I felt it again. I felt the Spirit. But I didn't say anything. The he looked at me and asked if I felt it right then.
"Yes. I do." This was so right. I had never felt this with anyone. We parted ways, and talked on the phone. Katie and I stopped in Missouri a few days to see where she grew up. Trevor and Jase made plans to move. They were gonna stop in Missouri for a week or two and work and earn money, then meet us later in New England where they'd find a place to live and a job, and maybe even a school. They were gonna leave Cali maybe friday or saturday. Until Trevor found out were were there Thursday through Saturday. They left Thursday night, and got there on friday. We got to spend some time together before Katie and I headed back. I loved every minute of it. He's great.
Now, we've been talking on the phone everday. I feel so right with him, and I absolutely love this feeling. I absolutely love him. He'll be here in 4 days, and I can't wait! I miss him so much! He came out of nowhere, and changed my life. It's amazing what can happen in one day. *sigh* He's cute. And he looks good wearing my pants.
HOLY CRAP! That's crazy! Where did this come from? I mean seriously! How old is he? Is he going to school or anything? That's nuts! But congrats because love is AWESOME!
So, if it's so right and you're so sure he's your EC, then why are you waiting 8 months to get married?
That's what I keep telling her! There's no reason to wait around, cuz waiting just spells trouble. I think they should do it over christmas break! I'm tired of hearing about him. Just marry him already! Marry something!
Because it's crazy. We gotta settle down and date a while. I can't just know him two weeks and be engaged. I have to get my head on straight. I'm not such a Utah mormon anymore. We easterners take our time.
yeah, well, if you know is right, then why do you need more time??
Because, I gotta test the waters. I have to think with my head too. My head and my heart have to agree. What's a few months when we've got eternity?
Once the Lord confirms something, the more you wait for stuff to happen, then Satan is only going to work little doubts into your head. Either that, or he'll just tell you guys you like each other a lot. I agree with Leah, waiting causes trouble. Right here in River City.. With a capital t and that rymes with p...ah, you know the rest.
I completely agree with everyone else. If you know it's right.. there is no reason to wait. Doing that is HORRIBLE! Being engaged sucks as well. It's a lot harder than you think.
Life is better when we live the 2x2 rule. We don't get in trouble if we keep the rules, and we do. And will. I'm in no hurry and I don't care if all y'all agree. You guys are whack. The wiggity kind.
Rushing into things without thinking can also cause problems.
Yeah, like the time I rushed into a bank with my paintball gun...
Hahaha! Sorry Miranda. I totally agree about the not rushing into things...I kind of dated Darrell for about 7 months before we got engaged, but still. When two people have decided they want to get married, and they are getting married, things change a LOT!
Check with my cousin Richard. I believe he and Jody got married within a few months of meeting each other. If you are SURE there is absolutely no need to delay. Even if he is from California. And I don't want to read in your blog about some guy getting into your pants.
basically when two people have decided that they are going to get married, that is when Satan sets in... he tries in everyway to get into the relationship to cause problems. Now that doesn't mean that you can't live up to your standards. he may try and get you two to fight and argue with eachother because of "stress" what ever it is, he will try to get you in one way or another. Good luck with that, and I would have to say pray about it.. and it's your choice but just look at all the options.
Well for all those out there that dont know who I am let me assure you that I was just as surprised and taken away as Miranda was. Meeting her has also changed my life! We dont want to go too fast, nor do we want to take things too slow, but I assure you that we will take as fast as the Lord wills us to. Weather that be 2 months or 8 months or longer if need be. I know there will be difficulties and Satan will do everything in his power to stop us from being happy, cause an eternal family is not something he likes!! But rules and guidelines, and friends and church and the spirit, and our families and lots of other righteous things are in the equasion too and that will help us through it all. I must say I admire Miranda and I consider it an honor and a blessing to have her in my life. I cannot express the happiness that she has brought me, its almost to the point of Almas joy when his spirit was seperated from his body due to the joy he felt!! I have seen her at her worst and she looks good!! I dont think she mentioned her clif story where she gets stuck, but you should ask her about it....
Haha. It's true. He's seen me sweaty, exhausted, scared, dehydrated, and burned. When we hiked up Bulls Head, we went down another way. I got stuck on a cliff and couldn't get down. I hung there forever. Trevor had to climb all the way up, come back down, and help me back up. He saved my life.
Also, the guys upstairs in my building really like their pot. I smell it every night wafting in my windows.
As a trained professional, with almost 20 years' training experience providing counseling for both Saints and Gentiles, I can tell you that one needs to carefully consider these things, then humbly follow what God tells you what to do.
Marriage is a whole lotta work; I ought to know! But it can also be the single greatest source of joy and satisfaction in his life and the next. The tricky part is sincerely relying upon inspiration, then working like crazy to do those things that will bring the two of you to work as one.
Best wishes and warm regards,
Okay, I know that last one was a little wierd, but how else is a dad supposed to show his support.
I look forward to meeting you some day, Miranda W. I've heard, uhm, read so much about you!
No, it was awesome. I'm always open to some advice. Heaven knows I need it all the time. Yeah, with marriage, there's a lot to think about and a lot of work that goes into it. Even though we fell for each other quite fast, we're still taking our time and getting to know each other.
Right now I'm making life's biggest decisions. I can go to school and choose my career, but if I hate it, I can always go back to school and get a different one. Marriage, on the other hand, is something that once I'm into, I can't change my mind about. When I make that decision, I have to be sure because I can't take it back. I know the Lord helps me with those decisions. He's helped me in the past in deciding, and He's certainly helping now.
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