Wednesday, December 20, 2006

If I were to change my name, it would be....


Katelyn said...

Mine is Gratia Marta Mason, Mike's is Alvar Synclair Mason and Cambree's is Samiya Sera Mason. What is with this thing? They are all like hispanic names.

Miranda W. said...

Put in your name and keep pressing the button. It's pretty fun.

Janell R. Cropper said...

I got quite a few...Timberly Marjorie, Samanta Maren, Corby Xiao chen, Vivien Naima....These were fun. I like Vivien...quite philosophical..

Anonymous said...

you are an identity thief's delight

Christie said...

yeah weird...

Anonymous said...

nuhad, marka, noelle...what the crap?