Saturday, June 02, 2007

Indian Superman Part 2

Award for best choreography goes to.....?


Garlic Boy said...

That reminds me of my first dance class at the Ninja University. I like the part where she sings: "Boo me oh! Cree-lee-cree-lee!"

Leah said...

I wish I knew what they were singing, because if the lyrics are anywhere near the genius of the rest of the video...dang. The only part I understood was "Zupa, Zupa, Zupa, Zupa-man".

Katelyn said...

What the heck?!?! Where do you find these videos?

Toast Habit said...

I think I'm going to sue. I have that shoulder shake and the kicks trademarked. It's called the Curly Shuffle. I think my mother made me a better zupaman costume when I was 5.

Anonymous said...

What happened to Part 1? I'm afraid I won't truly understand the sequel without the original.

I'm Batman said...

so since when did spider man become a chick that hangs out with superman. I mean Marvel with DC. That's like putting Having bugs bunny make out with a female mickey mouse, but not Minnie. It's just wrong.

Anonymous said...

new post!

Katelyn said...

I agree. Where are you?

Anonymous said...

What the this is so weird.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.