I know it's not the greatest picture of her. We don't have a scanner, so I took a picture with my camera. It didn't work too well, so we'll try something to show you the other ultrasounds.
On Saturday, I felt Ali for the first time. And since then, she's been going crazy. I can feel her right now. Last night in class, she was wiggling, and then there was about a 10 min break where she got up all the energy she could muster. Out of nowhere I recieved a round house kick to the bladder. It was the strongest kick I've felt her do. It surprised me and I jumped in the middle of the lecture. My bff asked if I was ok, but I was just so startled! She's increasing in strength daily, as I increase in visits to the bathroom.
Yay! How cute! Yeah with me, Todd has this super calming affect where whenever he comes around, she stops moving, so he still hasn't felt her yet! Arrrrggg It's so fun though! I love it! Congrats!
Say what?!? A daughter?! Shows you how much time I spend on Blogspot, doesn't it? Congratulations! I'm excited for you two!
And I see that you got those links.
Yes. I remembered Toast habit and it popped in my head. But thanks.
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