Thursday, August 28, 2008


My husband is leaving me for the weekend for the annual mountain man rendezvous. I went last year (pictured), but this year I absolutely can't miss my internship. So, I'm being left behind. Alone.

Trevor is the most thoughtful and considerate husband in the world. He always finds ways to make my life easier. I couldn't have asked for anything more! He's contacted all my girlie friends and made sure they are going to come sleep over and keep me company. He's pretty much made sure I won't be alone for a second. I thought that was sweet enough, but then he outdid himself. I came home from school last night to Trevor cooking me meals to cover the entire weekend so I won't have to worry about what to eat. And so I won't have to cook if I'm tired. I just couldn't believe it! I honestly don't know how I deserve him. I'm going to miss him more than anything, but what a comfort that he'll still be taking care of me from afar.


Jessie said...

That is so sweet! Lucky girl!
I hope you are doing well with the pregnancy Miranda. :)

Tio Bruno said...

Best hold on to that one.

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