Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ideas? Anyone?

Are you familiar with Bruxism, the grinding or clenching of teeth at night? I barely sleep as it is anymore being pregnant, but Trevor's bruxism is driving me crazy. I can't stand that sound! After 2 hours of being kept awake last night, I finally got up and moved to the couch-where I slept better than I have in a while. We're ready to try anything to help this. If any of you have any ideas, please feel free to share. I would like to sleep next to my husband again, but I don't know if that's happening anytime soon!


Anonymous said...

ummm well my mom does she grinds at night

Kari said...

Aaron grinds his teeth and makes strange breathing noises at night that make me insane. I run a small fan to help block out the noise and that helps. WE got him a night guard for his teeth and that helps too, now he can't grind, but he sucks on it lol. Ugh, I love him and all, but I vote that we should get separate beds on opposite sides of the room. Better yet, why not our own rooms?

Miranda W. said...

Haha. I totally thought about moving into our second bedroom last night! We're also thinking about a mouth guard, but from what I've read, it can cause malocclusion (misalignment of the jaw). He already has that slightly, so we wouldn't want to exacerbate the problem. I'm at such a loss!

Fenton Clan said...

I would talk to your dentist!

Anonymous said...

A baseball bat, judiciously applied at bedtime, should take care of the problem. Rinse, repeat.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he could use the lips you have on in your picture.

Rachel said...

Chris does the same thing at night, but I've gotten used to it now and it doesn't bother me anymore....

Leah said...

I can't fathom how teeth grinding could be loud. I'm trying it now and it's practically inaudible to me. Maybe I have wussy teeth. My suggestion: earplugs.

Caty said...

My mom had to get a teethguard for nighttime because she did the same thing! But it fixed the problem instantly and she says her teeth feel way better now.

Andrea said...

Hi Miranda-
My name is Andrea and I grew up with Trevor. He told me about your blog. My sister has the same problem and she was able to get a special guard from her dentist that really helped. Good Luck! Hope you can get some rest now before the little one gets here!!


Katie said...

He needs to get a mouth guard to wear at night or even if he does it sometimes in the day. Grinding teeth is really bad. First, it wears down the enamel and then it can cause aweful TMJ pain...eventually. Years of this can then cause him not to be able to open his mouth very wide and then he could need joint injection of a steroid to relieve pain and inflamation and then also headaches that come along with it. My mom has TMJ from grinding her teeth and she has had to wear a guard at night too. At my last check up my dad said I have been grinding my teeth and I didn't even know it.

Mark and Kim said...

So I just saw this little bruxism action and decided to throw in my two cents. The big question is does his jaw pop or lock at all (when he's opening, chewing, etc). If he does, that means the joint's effected and I would definitely get him a night guard. With the vast majority of my patients, I get them on ones called NTI-TSS and they are great. You can get the ones at the store also, but they can actually jack things up more if they're not made absolutely perfect(but, sometimes they do work.) Anyway, if it's still bugging him or you have any questions about grinding or TMJ stuff, let me know. Hope all is well.