Sunday, May 10, 2009

Here are this weeks posts.

Nothing on Texas yet. I'm catching up. Also, this is an unfamiliar computer so I'm trying to figure out how to upload videos. My goal is to post pictures every sunday....maybe more often. Who knows? Still to post; Palisade lake, Roadtrip to Texas, Texas itself, and South Padre Island.

Happy Mothers Day! I've gotten spoiled today. Breakfast in bed, a massage while Allie napped, and now time to myself so I can blog. Love all y'all mothers!

PS I picked up an awesome new phrase. They don't say "That's bull crap!" here. They say "horse dukey!" But you have to say it with the accent. It's great.


Theron & Melissa said...

Cute pics! I'm glad all of you are doing so well :D Sorry I was such a slacker earlier :( Allie is getting cuter (if that's possible) and I just love her smile!

Tio Bruno said...

If you ask 'em they'll tell you they don't have an accent. But they made fun of mine when I was there (Abilene) lo, these many years ago.

Patricia said...

happy mothers day!! I bet Williams is sucha great husband!

Katelyn said...

I didn't know you guys went out to Texas with APX. I was wondering why you were going to Texas. Mike's brother and sister (and spouses) are out in CT selling. If things keep going the way they are going, we may be going out there to join them.

Katie said...

Horse Dukey! I love that! Im going to start up that saying in Utah :)

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