Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My link list

Just to let y'all know, I just added some fantastic links to my favorites list. I encourage you to check them out. Namely, serious replies only, awkward family photos, people of walmart, failblog, and Dr. Grumpy. Seriously, they're funny.


Natalie Jane said...

Dr. Grumpy is my favorite. Followed closely by Serious Replies Only. Where are all these crazy people coming from?

Leah said...

I was going to quilt, but now my time is otherwise occupied. Thanks.

Leah said...


Tio Bruno said...

Thanx for the links. They look familiar for some strange reason.

Miranda W. said...

man babies was dumb.

Anonymous said...

That Walmart people site left a bad taste in my mind. EWWWWW