Thursday, December 14, 2006

Christmas Lights Show

This is a really awesome video my friend Kim showed me. I'll warn you, it's a bit lengthy, so if you get bored, at least fast forward it to the last thirty second or so. The finale is great.


Anonymous said...


Leah said...

There's another more awesomer one on youtube called christmas lights part 3. Check that one out. I got lights on the tree and then pooped out...

Anonymous said...

I don't know what would be worse... living next door to us or living next door to them. We have noise and they have lights. Granny G

Janell R. Cropper said...

That is really neat! I liked it! nine times!

La Familia Higgy said...

ow, my epilepsy

Anonymous said...

Even a Scrooge like me can enjoy that!