I have (I think) an abnormal love for books. I'm always looking for something (uplifting, mind stretching, interesting, motivating, etc., etc.) to read. Personally, I think TV is a waste of time. Since vowing not to waste my time with it nearly three years ago, I have really discovered a new me. I suddenly had time to practice and get more skilled at my music. I suddenly had time to exercise. And, wow, I really learned how to conversate (is that a word?), not just talk about "did you see what was on last night?" I got rather sick of somebody else writing a script for my life so I could wile away the hours mindlessly. I can still recall and quote every episode of Seinfeld and (almost) every episode of The Simpsons. Sad? Yeah, I think so. Which is why Trevor and I don't own a TV and don't plan on it. Occasionally we watch a movie on our laptop.
I've tried to join countless (ok, like five) bookgroups, but it seems like everyone else in the world is on completely opposite schedules than me. Either that, or they don't like me that much so they purposely schedule it so I can't make it (It's a conspiracy!). Leah, my dear sister, has shed some light on this problem of mine. A friend of hers has recently started a website called Operation: Park Bench . It's an online bookgroup. I just joined and I already love it. I've been telling everyone I can about the book I just finished, but now others can read it and discuss it at their own pace. I just read reviews, and added 4+ books to my list already. Put down that remote and get reading. If you're not a reader, then walk, exercise, learn a new skill, play with playdough, learn or invent a new recipe, clean something - whatever strikes your fancy. If there is a show you really do just love and can't do without (for me its 24), then rent the season when it's out on dvd (unless you're like me and your husband refuses to watch it. Then it's a lost cause and I'd rather spend quality time with him, anyway). There's so many better things to do with your time.
The word you are looking for is "converse" my darling daughter. I haven't watched TV except outside of my home in 11 years or so. I don't miss it, although it hampers me in trivia games sometimes. Read more! Especially those of you who are parents: Read to your kids, out loud.
"talk about killin' a man's horse! WHOP!" Just kidding Miranda. good job for not watching TV. i like to read too. I've been reading Children of the Promise. Love em. You should read those!
"There are a lot good things about tv as well. There are lots of educational progams on tv. Like the algebra channel. Helped me out!"
I was wondering if theres so many good channels out there why cant people remember what they are? TV is like a drug addiction, they just make up excuses to watch it and make rationalizations! If you go to a library you will find more books than tv programs! There is so much knowledge out there you could live your whole life without a tv, and be 10 times smarter than the person who has a tv in their house. TV is a waste of time if you have to just sit and not think then theres something wrong with you. We were given a brain to use it and expand it as much as possible, not abandon it when we want! So my point is if you rationalize your addicted, if you dont you're not! Plain and simple! Read a book, excercise, why else do you think my wife is smart and hot at the same time? CAUSE WE DONT OWN A TV!!!!!!Love you hunny!
What Miranda solves by not having a t.v. at all is the temptation (after watching that uplifting channel) to zone in on other junk. It's a good idea if you can do it.
I love your attitude. Most people don't understand those crazy hippy nuts that don't watch t.v. I guess it is sort of hard to understand- You have decided not to waste your time watching commercials bark at you all day.
I'm with Miranda- go find something else to do!
so...since i watch tv i'm not smart or hot?
No Brit, you're not. Lol. Whoa, everyone, that got more heated than it should have. Holy defensive! I used to just watch tv when I cleaned or folded laundry, but I noticed it took me a lot longer to do those things because I would get watching and then only clean during commercials or something. Now I just turn on music and dance while I do the dishes. Still enjoyable to clean, and I don't have my eyes glued to the screen. All I'm saying is that getting rid of the tv opened up time for me and it was amazing. There are good things on tv. Great educational things, but nothing you can't get via the internet. Besides, are those really the channels you watch the most often? Katelyn, I just went to your blog and there's a letter to Sylvia Brown, the Psychic who is on Montel or Maury (I don't remember anymore) ever wednesday. I really hope that's not the educational stuff you're talking about. If you think she's an idiot, why waste your time watching her? I vote everyone should try to give it up for just 2 weeks and see what happens. It's actually a lot better. PS. I'm sorry if my husband offended anyone. He's sorry too. That was not his intention.
My sweetest hubby got me an ipod shuffle for valentines day. Now when I fold/wash things (constantly) I listen to books on mp3 that I get from the library. There are also a lot of awesome devotionals from the byu website you can download and listen to without losing your focus on other things (Conversion of a Nun was awesome). I hate tv most for commercials. I go over to an acquaintance's house and all their kids talk about is what they want (Little Pony this, Spiderman that - Christmas time is anarchy) because they always see the commercials. When Liv wants to know about something (this morning it was "What's a platypus?") we go on youtube and BAM! there's a video of a platypus. 2 minutes long, no commercials. And we download our favorite programs without commercials, making LOST 40 minutes and The Office 20. That's 1 hour of TV a week that we can watch anytime (after bedtime), commercial free, with summers off. Down with conventional TV! (I wrote an article for www.jenmagazine.com called TV Rebel - read it!)
it's spelled play-doh
I'm sorry if I have offended anyone out there in regards to my TV statement. I did not mean to imply that people who watch it are stupid, but I did mean it by there is so much out there to do and learn, this world is a place where we come to gain knowledge and experience. For what? To become like our heavenly father and hopefully, if we live righteously, inherit eternal life with him. I know not all tv is bad, but is that really what we should be doing with our time on this earth? Ask any elderly person nearing the end of their life, it passed faster than they could anticipate, and if it goes that fast we should fill our minds with uplifting things. Now if there is something that is uplifting on tv go for it! By all means knowledge is knowledge! But be cautious about the knowledge you take in, cause thats the 1 thing that you take with you after this life. Nothing temporal, all things spiritual, knowledge will richly bless you in the afterlife, and if you have a deficiency, you will also carry that with you. So no not all tv is bad, but yes be cautious with it and use it for gaining that knowledge. I like leahs idea with youtube, no commercials!!!!!! Those are the biggest waste of time I have ever seen in my life, and they're filled with the most ridiculous things, and put ideas in kids heads, weather good or bad.Anyways I'm done. I love my wife, she means more to me than anything, and I hope she feels better.
As an ex addict of tv I agree it's best without one. I did away with the one in my apartment and my landlady looked at me so funny when I declined the cable hookups.
I was so mad at a loved one for being on wacky weed because it made them tired and lathargic and with no personality. Then I realized I was going home from work and sitting on the couch, tired and lathargic and devoid of any personality. I realized I was just as bad as a drug addict. TV was my drug of choice. I still watch it at the end of the day sometimes to unwind. Maybe after this I will try less and less. Thanks Miranda. And thanks Trevor for taking good care of my daughter. Providing isn't just earning money, it's repairing and taking care of things, and Trevor, you do. Greatly appreciated by me. love mom
I personally think it's your own decision. Make up your mind what you want to do. We all have our own opinions and I personally think, now that I"m sick all the time and I can't do a whole lot, I REALLY appreciate the TV. But all I watch is the news and maybe Oprah or Ellen... other than that we watch movies and cuddle. Often we 're so busy that we can't even think about stuff like that. I think it's also a very natural thing to just zone out for a while. I do it all the time in class ;) actually sometimes it's just great to sit and watch a sunset and just not think about anything else than that sunset. I think the TV is also great because we receive general conference and news from it. I never have time to sit down and read it, so I watch it while eating breakfast or lunch every day. We can do what we want, it's just our discretion what we want to have enter our home. We don't plan on getting anything other than our little antena ever, but we have a TON of movies, but they are either edited or a kid movie, ask yourself, would I be comfortable if a little kid walked into the room right now, that how we should live. That is the only guideline I live by. Am I a good example? you decide!
I meant that last question to be as a question you ask yourself... sorry hehe
Yeah, I was sick this weekend (no, I'm not pregnant. It was more like food poisoning) but I didn't sleep much and after the 2nd day of not being able to move much, I admited to Trevor that I wanted a tv just for the weekend. Instead we got a movie at Redbox, or I played games on our laptop (I heart super granny). So once in a great while i'd appreciate it, but I'm still glad we don't own one.
We have a whole 3 channels that work. I still have my habit of watching Jeopardy every night at 7:00. It works on our TV! So, I read the entire work and the glory series in 2 and a half weeks. I would definitely recommend them to anyone! (and this is my 3rd time reading the series!) YAY FOR READING!
Miranda! I need to talk to you ASAP! I don't know how else to reach you other than your blogger. Email me, kate@byu.edu, or whatever. And thanks for the tip about the book club, for "The Lemon Tree".
ok I know that you guys love each other and are newlyweds, but I believe it's time for a new post!
Dang! You gotz a lot of a comments. I'm watching TV, playing a video game, and commenting on your blog at the same time. HOW IS THAT FOR MIND POWER?!!
seriously, where have you gone to?? non-blogger!!
Should I retire you into your own boring file like Kate, Darek, and David, who also never post. Don't make me do it Miranda. I will.
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